Tuesday 2 August 2016

Step by step guide on How to Quilt a Block

Today I will show one way to make a quilt block. There are countless patterns and designs for quilting. Most of them are variations from a traditional basic patterns. When you handle a few simple quilting techniques you are able to study the more advanced quilt works and develop your skills. Quite many quilt works have to be sewn by hand as for example hexagons are quite impossible to sew by machine. This easy to sew quilt block is done by machine. Even though you would not have any quilting experience this is simple to learn. Just remember to be precise and iron the seams properly. And enjoy the making because quilting takes time! 

After you have chosen the colors for your work count how many squares do you need from each fabric. Cut 10 * 10 cm squares using scissors and a square pattern or a quilter´s rule and a mat. 

Step 1. Place two squares right sides against each other.

Step 2. Draw a straight line from corner to corner using basic ruler. 

Step 3. Sew a straight line to both sides of the mid line drawn. Usually seams are 0.75 cm because a press foot is used as a measure. So sew following the mid line with the one side of the press foot.

Step 4. Cut two triangles apart following the mid line.

Step 5. Open the triangle and iron the seams.

Step 6. Cut off the extras from the corners. Now you got one two colored square.  

Step 7. With two colored squares you can form many different designs, this is just a one. Place the squares as you have designed and join together row by row.

Step 8. Remember to iron the seams. Quilt work is 50% sewing and 50% ironing. Taking a short cut by forgetting the ironing part you are most likely to ruin your hard work. 

Step 9. Now join the rows together. Before sewing match the squares precisely otherwise the design will broke.

Step 10. Iron the seams. 

Congratulations you are ready! Now you can make some more blocks to sew a decorative pillow, handbag, blanket...

I am making a blanket. I got all my blocks ready yesterday. Today I will join the blocks together piece by piece and row by row. I went to library to get some inspiration for how to stitch the layers together. More of that later. Maybe I could also give some book recommendations on the field of quilting if you are interested.

Have you been quilting lately? Or do you have a dream to learn this craft technique and create projects by yourself?


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